
Alessandro Focareta

Benevento, IT - Buenos Aires, ARG

Alessandro Focareta (Naples, 1977) is a filmmaker, documentary professor and artist. After graduating in Modern Letters at the Federico II University in Naples, he deepened his studies in film theory and photography at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain. In 2016, he completed a master’s degree in essay-film and documentary at the EICTV in San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. He is currently undergoing a master’s degree in Combined Languages ​at the Universidad Nacional de las Artes in Buenos Aires. Alessandro organizes workshops dedicated to essay-films and experimental cinema; he is currently professor of Expanded Cinema at the Escuela de Chavon / Parsons Film School in the Dominican Republic and at the Universidad del Cine (FUC) in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

His first short, Obsolete Impressions, won the 2014 edition of Construir Cine Festival and was finalist at the Short on Work Festival in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the same year, he co-curated the audiovisual part of the Dominican Republic Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale with his short Afterword. His short documentary film Piccolo Mondo (Cuba, 2016) was presented at the 2016 Locarno Film Festival, as part of a tribute to director Abbas Kiarostami; the film was selected in numerous international festivals.

In 2017 he made his first documentary feature film, I Vetri Tremano (Tremblyng Cristals). His film was presented in several renowned festivals like FID Marseille (France, 2017), Margenes in Spain and Latin America. In 2018 his film received the RAI CINEMA award at the Visioni dal Mondo Festival in Milan, Italy. In 2019, he collaborated on the theme and photography of the documentary Il Colore di Sera by Spartaco Capozzi. In 2020 he participated with James Benning and other directors in the collective film Dancing in the Street, 11 Degrees of Separation, presented at DOC Buenos Aires 2020, Festival del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano in La Havana (Cuba), among others.

Alessandro is currently involved in the development of the documentary Il Padre del Deserto, whose script was finalist in InProgress Milano Film Network 2018 and winner of the development grant in Milan Industry DAYS – MID, given by Milano Film Network (Italy) in 2018.