Afterword (Epílogo)

Italy, Dominican Republic / 2014 / Colour, B/N / HD, 8 mm / 9'

In December 1955, Dominican dictator R.L. Trujillo inaugurated the urban facilities for the Fair of Peace and Fraternity of the Free World, in the City of Santo Domingo, in order to celebrate the first 25 years of his rule and modernization of the nation.
This party ended after one year, in December 1956, expending one-third of the annual national budget.
After the civil revolution in 1965, most of the visual document related to the World Fair were destroyed or hidden by the constitutionalists.
Among faces, ghosts and gestures, these images represent the only testimonies in color remaining from this event that, along with the fairground architecture, have resisted the leak of collective memory.

Production: Alessandro Focareta
Direction: Alessandro Focareta
Exectuive production: Emil Rodríguez Garabot
Edition: Alessandro Focareta, Spartaco Capozzi
Music: Rafael Solano, Josito Mateo,
Original title: “El Jarro está pichao” (anónimo)
Musical advice: María Antonieta Ronzino,
Huayna Jiménez
Historical Archives: Guillermo Ricart

*Biennale di Architettura di Venezia”, Dominican Pavilion, 2015 Venice, Italia.
*Festival RDOC, 2015, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic – Official Selection.
*Festival Cinemaissi, 2015, Helsinki, Finland – Official selection

Historic Video