Trembling crystals (I vetri tremano)

I Vetri Tremano / Trembling Crystals
Italy, Cuba / 2016 / Colour / HD, Dolby Digital / 72’

“Deliberately leaving for exile means choosing oneself, not disappearing; rapidly or slowly becoming ever smaller, until we reach our true height, the height of being”. This citation from Chilean poet and novelist Roberto Bolaño opens Alessandro Focareta’s first feature-length film, a program evoking with extreme lucidity the principles guiding his artistic trajectory. From Cuba, where the Italian filmmaker settles to take classes at the cinema school, he starts communicating via SMS with his mother who is still in Italy, fighting against cancer. For the duration of his stay on the island, the author undertakes research for a possible film, the one the spectator discovers. By mixing several temporalities, recent and remote recollections, realities and poetic fantasies, family films and traces of public history, Focareta reveals a present time marked both by separation and contemporary discovery of the self. All through the sequences, the film becomes the diary of a more intimate, rather than physical, exile: the sweetness of narration doing hardly more than amplifying the wounds needed for any evolution of the awareness of the self. (Paolo Moretti)

Productor: Alessandro Focareta and Emil Rodriguez Garabot
Support: EICTV (Cuba) – Rai Cinema
Direction, script and edition: Alessandro Focareta
Sound: Jaime Guerra
Music: Taty Chiroque
Sound mix and design: Homer Mora
Color: Nancy Angulo
Design: Piera Leonetti


Visioni dal Mondo, 2018, Triennale, Milano, Italia – Official Selection, Storie dal mondo contemporaneo,


*FID Marseille, 2017, Marseille, France – Official selection
*Festival del nuevo cine Latinamericano de La Habana, 2016, La Habana, Cuba – Vanguardia
*Festival Márgenes – 2017:
Cinemateca de Andalusia, Sevilla, Spain
Casa encendida, Madrid, Spain
Cinemateca Mexicana, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
Cine ZumZeig, Barcelona, Spain
Cinemateca Uruguaya, Montevideo, Uruguay
*Visioni dal Mondo, 2018, Triennale, Milano, Italia – Official Selection, Storie dal mondo contemporaneo,
*Doc Buenos Aires, 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentine
*Cámara Lucida, 2018, Cuenca, Ecuador – Official Selection.
*Kinetta Spazio Labus, 2021, Benevento, Italy – screening

*Rai Storia -  Ciclo “Documentari d’autore”, 21 , 22, 23 November 2020 – TV premiere