Little World (Piccolo Mondo)

Italy, Cuba, Colombia / 2016 / Colour / HD / 6'


Entrance to an elementary school gives the director a pre-text to reflect upon human values and the value of space in childhood. The emerging imaginary renders how difficult it is for a grown up to relate to the unpredictable world of children.

Productor: Black Factory (Colombia), Alessandro Focareta (Italy), EICTV (Cuba)
Support: Abbas Kiarostami
Direction, script and edition: Alessandro Focareta
Sound: Homer Mora

*Locarno film festival, 2016, Locarno, Swiss – Histoire(s) du cinéma: tribute to Abbas Kiarostami.
*La Alternativa, 23’ Festival de cine independiente de Barcellona, 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
*Phi@MBAM: Cinema screens at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 2017, Montreal, Canada
*Doc Buenos Aires, 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentine
*Festival del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano de La Habana, 2016, La Habana, Cuba.
*Insularia, Islas en red, 2017, Gran Canaria, Spain

Short Documentary